If you want to thrive in life rather than survive each day it is important for us to go within and see what needs massaging, releasing, tweaking, accepting and ultimately changed to create the space for us to grow into our authentic best self. 

The "work" of becoming aware of our triggers, traumas & unbecoming our conditioned self gives us a chance to step into our most empowered self. This is where we nourish ourselves and THRIVE. 

I'd have to say my biggest self-sabotaging "struggle" has been BEING SEEN, especially in my business online.

I’ve told myself all the ways I am “showing up” so that my excuses can be “I’ve already tried it,” “it doesn’t work.” However, I realize it's my fear talking.  

In facing my fears,

Here's what I've said to myself regarding showing up for my business online: 

  • What’s the point...🙃

  • No one cares what I have to say...🙄

  • Do you believe your special...😳

  • Who do you think you are...😬

  • You haven’t proved yourself enough...😔

Here’s the thing...maybe some of these are true for some people reading, however, it makes me small, dim & unimportant to mySELF. And that, my friends, doesn’t serve me.

I’ve reframed these to:

  • Someone needs to hear this...🤓

  • I WANT to connect with YOU...😌

  • I believe in my purpose work...💎

  • I’m the authority of ME...😎

  • Maybe someone else is struggling & we can inspire each other...😍

  • I’m lit up & excited...🌟

  • I deserve to take up space where I want to... 😇

  • What other people think of me is none of my business...💊

What do you tell yourself? 

If you want to TRIVE in your day to day, you have to get real with your belief system.

“I don’t have time” which is such a common excuse we give ourselves, usually appears below the surface as “you don’t feel you deserve time for you.” We create these “phrases” to pick from when we are not ready or willing to face some hard truths about ourselves.

If you are ready and willing to show up for yourSELF. 

Give yourSELF Permission to: 

Do what activates you and lights you up. 

Do what nourishes your body. 

Do what nourishes your mind. 

Do what nourishes your energy. 

Do what nourishes your soul. 

In my Signature Program, “Nourish & Activate the Emerging Healer,” I will guide you to release old versions of yourself so you can step into your most authentic empowered SELF while activating the feminine heart-led healer. We will journey through your limiting beliefs, upgrade your “operating system” and allow you to THRIVE! Book your free session now!

Sending lots of love to you always,  xo


The Power of Sensation During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


New Moon Mindset