Be the energy you want to attract.
Let’s take a moment to pause. Close your eyes and feel your body. Feel the anchored grounding sensation within your feet and/or seat. Feel how your body holds your potent frequency of energy.
From here take an internal audit. Are you pouring out more than you are receiving? Are you feeling depleted? Are you feeling vibrant? Take this time to plug inward to your source, feel the subtle vibrational hummmmm, and then with intention, increase your vibration.
Now let’s direct your awareness deep into your chest. What do you feel here? Can you sense your sacred feminine? Her soft yet powerful force within. What is she yearning for? Is it your love? Is it your acceptance? Is it your respect? How can you honor her/you by showering yourself in love today?
As you open your heart more and more to yourself and allow her space to move, breathe and flow with ease into your life, she will carry you to the most abundant, joyful, loving places you’ve undoubtedly desired to experience in your life. This my friend, is your center, your source of expansion. Allow her to show you the way home.
Once you’ve embraced, nourished and activated your true energy essence, you will feel the most magnificent sacredness of you and all beings. Your energy will match the vibration of what you are attracting and will see miraculous twists and turns in your life as your life begins to reorder to meet your highest truth on this purpose journey.
Trust this process. Trust YOUR process. I love you. You are safe to unfurl and rise up to your light in the center of your chest. Feel the humming vibration of truth that is you. Be bold in following your inner and outer path and always check in with your heart; trust she is leading you to the most liberating, nourishing, abundantly thriving life!
When you let love guide you, you are unstoppable. You are so powerful lovely beings. Wake up and stand in this truth! Let go of societies expectations so you can free your mind of all the fear based noise!
The only way to heal yourself is to LOVE YOURSELF! mmmmm…can you feel that penetrating your heart?! This is the truth! Stop listening to all the noise outside of yourself and LISTEN within. This may take time, be patient with yourself. Give yourself the grace and love you need to expand. This earth body is the only constant in your life! Wake up and begin to respect, love and nurture yourself. Eat nourishing nutrient dense foods, move your body, be in nature, take a deep breath and feel that “good ass prana” (Ralph Smart) filling your being! Cleanse the mind of all the fear rooted thoughts and beliefs, take note of the people and situations that trigger you and reflect inside not outside. Start living a life of self love, self respect, self worth and self acceptance and see your whole energy, life and perspective shape shift before you.
You have always had all these answers you seek within you. Now more than ever, I urge you to go within and listen to what YOUR truth is…there is so much outside of us trying to control, bring fear and corrupt the intuitive sense of us, placing weights on our energy to believe we are powerless & hopeless, but let me tell you…you are more powerful than you know (and maybe deep down, you do know). Take the reigns and start fresh today!
We are are all seeds reaching for the light. Stay your path, stay your task to love and be loved. Love unites us, love brings oneness…remember anything taking you away from love, anything not rooted in love….causes separation, causes depletion, causes us to be lost in a sea of distortion. As Sarah Blondin says, “anything that takes you away from LOVE, is a THIEF of your one precious life!” You have a choice, right now to begin again. To reroute and decide to choose love, choose joy, choose YOU. I will be here with you, hand in hand, heart to heart, because the truth is, we are one, we are love and only until we tune to that frequency, you will know love, you will innerstand what you “see.“
Looking to dive deep within? Send me a message and let’s chat about how we can work together!
Sending lots of love to you always, xo