Own Your Power

Happy Full Moon in Libra. Libra is all about balance. Finding an internal balance is some of what we are all looking to establish, especially during this time. This full moon is collectively having us reconnect to ourselves, that relationship we have with self, and that authentic thread of energy we all embody. To express, magnify and connect with the world deeply rooted within your valuable expression. What are you here to express? What are you feeling drawn to do (or not do)? What feels good within your core? Get back to your internal balance of energy and your core being. Our relationship with self is the core energy of how our relationships with others externally will play out. As the world shifts from the inside out and we begin to reorganize our lives to this new current experience we are reminded of our Oneness. Support yourself, support others who need it right now. We are in this together.

For the most part I have felt surprisingly balanced, at ease, embracing this time for me, surrendering to the flow (the feminine energy) and reflecting on my life but I know for some people very near and dear to my heart this has been a struggle and what I am doing is, holding space for them. To help in some way or another and sometimes that is just “listening” and not “doing” anything in particular. Over the past 6 months I have had my fair share of rough times and I believe it has prepared me for this moment. To feel more grounded and be a light for someone else’s darkness. As a human, I understand life is not always so appealing, light and joyful but I can use the tools I have learned over the years for support, clarity and to return back home, to my heart.

We are all made of energy, a unique energy (Energy ID) that holds all our information, our purpose(s) or Truths and our soul driven alignment. When we are aligned we connect with the people, opportunities and experiences to create harmony and balance in our lives. When we make choices shaped by others opinions, beliefs and ideas we betray our Energy ID and fall short of our authentic being.

This is our time to upgrade our energy, take back our power that we have scattered and become the captain of our ships once again, allow ourselves to flow and be a quantum creator. We can get to this place through the choices we make, the actions we take and the thoughts we think. Let’s not live in a hypnotized cycle of yearning, craving, desiring for approval, acceptance, worthiness, labels, status, material things etc. Bring meditation, nature walks and whatever connects you back to your core, your heart, your power while allowing the cycle of lack and desire to fade out.

Upgrade your energy by directing your attention to nourish your positive action.

Journal Prompts:
What are you devoted to? Rooted in love? Rooted in Fear?
What do you place your attention on?
Is it serving you, others and the planet?

The Solar Plexus chakra (energy center) is the center of confidence, will power, strength and courage. It is yellow in color and associated with the element of FIRE. When we are grounded in your energy ID FLAME, you strengthen your devotion (love) and commit to your unique purpose and liberate yourself from any distraction.

When our will is strong we cannot be controlled or tempted by what is dangling in front of us by another. When you know who you are, this protects you from any darkness we allow to take control of us.

Check out all the NEW meditations I have been posting on YouTube and insight timer.
Keep on the lookout for a new Solar Plexus and Fire Element Meditation on YouTube and InsightTimer.

Saturday, April 11th @ 1pm EST I will be hosting a webinar alongside Dr. Catherine Franklin, Dr. Amanda Goodwin, Lauren Strader and Valerie Odorico from Absolute Health Chiropractic. We have been doing weekly webinars, talking about THIS experience we are all having while weaving in our teachings, experiences and knowledge. You will love it, let me know if you want to register, it’s FREE!

Friday, April 10th @ 5pm EST
Donation class (suggestion $10) on Friday at 5pm EST. A Live Zoom class:
Gentle Yoga / restorative + yin yoga (all levels) intention setting, meditation and Reiki chakra clearing.

Saturday (April 11th @ 10am EST. A live Zoom class:
Ignite your Energy with yoga (all levels), intention setting, meditation with a Reiki chakra clearing.

Please send me a message if you are interested so I can send you these links for the above.

Look forward to “seeing” you this week! We are in this together!

Sending lots of love, gratitude and light,


Be the energy you want to attract.


Our Chance