This Full Moon on Sunday (in Aquarius) is activating change and our desire for more freedom. There is also another wave of creativity and courage presented for us to take inspired action.

Asking yourSELF, “What is illuminating in my life? What challenge, pathway, energy is very present these days? How can I do things differently, change direction, and experiment with new perspectives for my growth and new opportunities?

Jupiter is also activating this Full Moon to expand our thinking, feeling and manifestations.

Trust yourSELF and pay attention to how your body and heart navigate your direction or path. The more you practice this and honor the clarity that is unfolding within you, you will have all the wisdom you need to make clear cut decisions.

This is your time to shine:

  • dive deep into your intuitive abilities

  • nourish your feminine flow

  • activate your third eye

  • embody the wisdom you hold within

Anchor into the loving frequency that is accessible to you. Let go of the past to move forward into the unknown. The more healing we do within ourselves and communities the more we will feel aligned and trust in the mysteries of the future unfolding. We are presented with a new gateway to wisdom. Connecting to the element of AIR through breath-work, element of WATER through feeling, element of EARTH for grounding and element of FIRE for passionate desires.

We are being guided.


You will use the four elements along with the energy of the moon.

Carve out a quiet space for you to do this ritual un-interrupted. If there is something else you are called to do during this ritual, make it your own. This is a guide for you but always using your intuition to decide what is best for you. Sending you all lots of love and healing.

  1. Cleanse your space, body and energy with sound, smoke and any essential oils or sprays that you are drawn to

    “I cleanse this space and empty out  and release any fears and low frequency dense energies that are holding me back from achieving my goals, my desires and my growth. I replace any of those energies with love, grace, trust, peace, compassion and forgiveness. I welcome my guides to join me in this ceremony. Aho. I surrender and allow love in. I surrender and allow grace in. I surrender and allow trust in. I surrender and allow peace in. I surrender and allow compassion in. I surrender and allow forgiveness in. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. “

  2. Using the elements of FIRE (Light a candle) and/or using smoke.

  3. Face the SOUTH - Take 4 cleansing breaths — inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. Say out loud “I give thanks for the protection and healing that has been gifted to me from the Divine FIRE Phoenix in unconditional love. I surrender any fears of being reborn, into the Divine Phoenix Goddess of FIRE in the South. With reverence, honor and respect I release this now, so be it.”

  4. Now imagine with each inhale and exhale you are releasing all the attachments, fears, negativity, toxicity, old traumas that keep you a hostage & destructive energies into the blazing fire. Feel the flame burning away, consuming your offering now.

  5. Face the WEST - Take 4 cleansing breaths — inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. Say out loud, “I call upon the cleansing waters of the Divine RIVER Goddess, help me release death and be born into life once more, so be it.”

  6. Now imagine with each inhale and exhale these healing waters are washing over you and within you cleansing you in all ways.

  7. Face the NORTH - Take 4 cleansing breaths — inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. Say out loud, “I call upon the strengthening and manifesting powers of the Divine EARTH Goddess, In gratitude I fully receive your gift of being born into the world of forms now, may my Soul take shape and the healing gifts take form in my life, so be it.”

  8. Now imagine with each inhale and exhale these energies are navigating through your body upgrading your body. Pay attention to any sensations you feel and allow it to happen.

  9. Face the EAST - Take 4 cleansing breaths — inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. Say out loud, “I choose to step into life, light and rebirth as I begin my new journey resurrected from my past. I call upon my guardians and mentors as I step through the gate into my life restored, so be it.”

  10. Stand up [if you are not already] and intend [or physically do so] to step through a portal gateway. Pause and take a moment to revel in this inspired step of your newly found self.

Take one or more of these elements and connect with it daily.

Fire: smoke, fire, sun energies

Water: drinking, bathing, rain, ocean, lake energies

Earth: herbs, rocks, crystals, salt, flowers, trees, dirt energies

Air: breath-work, wind, movement, idea energies



Activate your Feminine Flow


Align with the energy of your desires