Align with the energy of your desires

The waxing moon is the week after the new moon where the energy is potent encouraging your creativity, movement and inspired action. It’s a time to sprout your ideas and begin to organize them into the world.

This is a great time to keep your energy focused on what you are desiring from the inside out. What feelings do you want to feel? Step away from wanting the physical “thing” and focus on how you want to feel because that will align you with what is for you. Let go of the outcome and align your energy.

When we are inspired to create change within ourselves, we have a surge of energy that raises our vibration and can allow us to act from a place of love. This will typically align our energy with our heartfelt desires. But there is more…

It is important to understand that when we have trauma or we have not worked through our limiting beliefs, even if we do the rituals and/or take the moment to “manifest” we may not see the results or have them stick because we are not pouring this energy into ourselves daily and we have some resistance from the inside out.

I’m doing all the rituals, vision boards and intention setting but nothing is happening…

  1. You may have some limiting or undesirable beliefs that are blocking the very thing that wants to appear for you. You may need some healing work. Diving into your belief system is a great way to inner-stand and become more clear about what you are blocking.

  2. You may not be energetically aligning with your desires. Are you in the vibration of what you are looking to create in your life? For example if you are looking for LOVE in your life - Are you cultivating a daily self care, self love practice? Are you walking the walk (action) and talking the talk (your voice has power)? It is helpful to visualize the feeling you want to create in your life and start to imagine yourself already feeling that experience. What does that experience feel like, do to you? To become the vibrational match for the energy to appear in the physical world is essential. Begin the practice of loving on yourself, respecting yourself and caring for yourself.

Remember to devote energy to yourself everyday this week (and keep it going beyond a time limit) this will focus your energy on you and what you are looking to feel, create & manifest! This is how you begin to work with the cycles of life, nature, moon and YOU.

Looking to do the deeper healing work? Contact me for a FREE clarity call to discuss how working together will benefit you. :)



Full Moon Wisdom


New Moon in Leo Ritual