The New Moon in Cancer
In the next few days you will feel pulled inward by the New Moon in Cancer to begin a new cycle once again. What a great time to reflect on what was and what you are looking to manifest. As we journey inward we can discover the information pulsing through our tissues.
Take some time this week to slow down, create space for a sacred bond with yourself using the water and Earth elements. A great time to connect with your emotional and physical bodies. Taking a bath, drinking lots of water this week and listen to your body and emotions. Keeping a reflection journal and jotting down some insight each day as you go through this week and even through next week as we move into the New Moon on Friday.
Taking the time to also apply and integrate your grounding practices. Take walks in nature. Sit upon the Earth and feel her energy present as she moves through you, connects you and gives you the support you need during this time.
How can you allow for your soft, nurturing [feminine] side to integrate with your willingness to set boundaries & protection [masculine side] that you need at this time.
How can you root into love rather than fear?
As Chiron [star — the wounded healer] is also with us during this time, providing us with vibrations of healing the wounds within us. Say yes and open your heart and body to this gentle healing.
Remember to honor your SELF. Take care & carve out space to create the sacred bond that nourishes your self love, self acceptance and self worth.
Connecting with the Goddess Hecate to light the torch for you to see the next step on your path. Trust in the magic that is unfolding for you.
Do this ritual in the evening time. Use any crystals that you are resonating with and any materials or items that are sacred to you. Carve out time for you.
— Cleanse your space with sage and/or palo santo;
— Set an intention for this New Moon;
— Journal prompts:
What attachments do you need to release?
Who do you want to become?
What kind of life are you prepared to live?
— Take 10 slow long deep breaths. Massage lavender oil or palo santo oil on your third eye for a few moments, Give yourself the grace of self massage anywhere you are feeling called;
— Meditate for 10-20 mins & invite in Hecate to join you and give you any wisdom as you journey inward;
— Take a bath / shower or place water bowls around you [in a circle] while you visualize the water supporting you as you surrender into the fluidity of life, in your current situation.
— Invite in Chiron’s energy of healing and visualize your energy centers releasing that which no longer serves you [i like to see this as dull colors or smoke leaving my body]…Let go & imagine white healing light moving down into your crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral womb and root and even your hands and feet. Take as much time as you need at each energy center.
You can use salts & aromas that support you and ground you as well as open your third eye and nourish your senses. [lavender, frankincense, vanilla, copal are some examples]
— write down anything that may have come up
Say yes, and step into the dark shadow of the unknown to discover what is not yet in form.
Happy discovery,
xo Jessica