Healing the Wounded Feminine & Masculine Energies
Healing of the wounded feminine and masculine energies is essential for our union of balanced energies within us and creating a life we are in love with.
So, how do you know if you are out of balance? Check out this graphic below. Do you resonate with both the feminine and masculine? Is there one you feel more out of balance or in balance with?
I would recommend you start to create a ritual with yourself everyday. One where you are supporting your masculine energy and activating your feminine energy.
To carve out space for YOU. Tune into your divine / sacred feminine and divine / sacred masculine and the wounds you may feel.
It may be helpful to write out your story and take time to process and feel. Then take note where this is resonating in your body through expansion or constriction.
Then connect with the qualities that are already within you. The ones you seek in others. Love, joy, trust, worth, devotion etc. Why do you feel you are not accessing these emotions, feelings, sensations? Journal, meditate and get in your body. Move and dance, breathe and feel, connect and embody.
You deserve all the healing, love and joy you desire. Love on yourself, forgive yourself and others and begin (or continue) your beautiful worthy-love filled life.
If you are interested in diving deep into this and more along your healing path I have created a program that creates a space for you to integrate and embody your healing journey. Let’s chat.
Sending you all lots of love and healing vibrations,
xo Jessica