Capricorn Full Super Moon & Ritual
With the Capricorn Super Full Moon on Thursday we will feel as if a magnetic energy is pulling out what no longer serves us. This may feel intense however, it’s necessary for us to feel and process these energies as they come up to be seen and then you can finally release them. Luckily the grounding energy of Capricorn is supporting us during this process. This Cap energy also supports us in creating foundations where they need to be set and checked. You may be directed to these aspects of your life where there is a rocky or no foundation to support you and to take some action on creating that support for you.
As I mentioned around the New Moon at the beginning of the month, there is DUALITY in the air. We could feel a bit confused as to what we are feeling, doing and how to move forward. Whenever this happens, it teaches us to slow down, and be very present with yourSELF. Let the nurturing Capricorn energy embrace you — keep your grounding practices going — take walks out in nature, connect with your support structures in the physical and spiritual realms.
There is also a strong energy of divine truth at this time of the full moon. It’s energy is unveiling a new path and may turn you into a different direction all together. This emerging truth may give you wisdom or a deeper meaning to inner-stand what is unfolding within your life. It may nudge you to connect with your ancestors and perform some healing around generational energies that are not yet healed. This energy is working on a deeply personal level. Any triggers that are coming up for you are old or past wounds from this time or before that you can release and set free. It’s important to understand that your triggers are feedback for you. Instead of reacting to them, see if you can feel what this energy is about. Does this remind you of someone in your life? Where do you feel it in your body? Place your hand on your heart and ask yourSELF, “what is this telling me?” What is wounded within me that needs attention and healing?
During this time, you may feel emotions such as regret wishing you had done things differently however, the bigger focus can be on forgiveness. How can you forgive the situation, person, circumstances?
Give yourself an opportunity to see through the lens of play. Letting go of the seriousness of life. Forgive yourself, embrace this beautiful journey and don’t forget to celebrate as you go.
Sending you all rays of Reiki healing moving through your crown and into your heart, bursting with forgiveness. Embrace it, allow yourself to feel it, surrender to the healing and release yourself from the minds scolding. Make friends with the journey and allow it to teach you the valuable lessons for your personal growth.
You will use the four elements along with the energy of the moon.
You will need:
relaxing instrumental or sound bowl music
4 pieces of paper
4 candles
glass of water
4 crystals
This ritual can take 30 mins or however long in each direction till you feel complete. Have fun with it.
Cleanse your space, body and energy with sound, smoke and eucalyptus water then rose water (spray 4 times)
“I cleanse this space and empty out and release any fears and low frequency dense energies that are holding me back from achieving my goals, my desires and my growth. I replace any of those energies with love, grace, trust, peace, compassion and forgiveness. I welcome my guides to join me in this ceremony. Aho. I surrender and allow love in. I surrender and allow grace in. I surrender and allow trust in. I surrender and allow peace in. I surrender and allow compassion in. I surrender and allow forgiveness in. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. “
Light your 4 candles in a circle — leave room for a bowl of water in the middle.
Take 4 cleansing breaths — inhale through the nose and out through the mouth with sound.
Take a moment to write down on your first piece of paper “What stories, patterns or behaviors are you ready to let go of?”
Take that piece of paper state out loud what you are emptying out and then with the candle in the SOUTH — Burn the paper and place it in the water bowl.
Take a moment to write down on your second piece of paper “What toxic relationships and/or unhealthy boundaries are you releasing?”
Take that piece of paper state what you are ending out loud and then with the candle in the WEST — Burn the paper and place it in the water bowl.
Take a moment to write down on your third piece of paper “What is getting the the way of accessing my gifts, my purpose, my vision?”
Take that piece of paper state what you are releasing out loud and then with the candle in the NORTH — Burn the paper and place it in the water bowl.
Take a moment to write down on your fourth piece of paper “What is getting in the way of your inspired action?”
Take that piece of paper state what you are letting go of out loud and then with the candle in the EAST — Burn the paper and place it in the water bowl.
Take a moment to get up and shake out…Dance with music, shake your legs, feet, hips, hands, arms, shoulders, torso, neck and head, make sounds out of your mouth to amplify releasing all these energies from your body. If you have a rebounder or trampoline you can do this in addition to the shaking out. After about 5 mins (or until you feel complete) you can come back to your seat.
Take another few breaths to ground into your body once again.
For a minute you are going to take fast deep inhales and exhales through your mouth (use a timer so you don’t have to focus on time) and with each breath imagine you’re releasing all that blocks you from your growth.
Take a deep inhale at the end of the minute and hold your breath for 30 seconds. Then make an audible exhale once again.
Repeat the rapid inhales and exhales through the mouth for a minute again.
Take a deep inhale a the end of the minute and hold your breath for 30 seconds. Then make an audible exhale once again.
We are now, going to set intentions with each crystal. Make sure your glass of water is nearby.
South - Take the crystal of your choice — Blow on it and state out loud - Bring me the courage to open my heart, to feel compassion and grow in all ways. Aho. Drink your water.
West - Take the crystal of your choice — Blow on it and state out loud — Bring healing the the people I love and to myself. Heal my body and bring light & joy to my spirit. Aho. Drink your water.
North - Take the crystal of your choice — Blow on it and state out loud — Help me to surrender, to sit in silence and listen to the wisdom to make wise choices. Aho. Drink your water.
East - Take the crystal of your choice — Blow on it and state out loud — Allow me to see the truth and walk my path with deep reverence. Aho. Drink your water.
Take a moment to meditate on what desired feelings you wish to feel. Imagine yourself feeling those energies rising up within you, unlocking your DNA and accessing your gifts and higher frequency vibrations that have not been used till now. Visualize this in your own way.
Snuff out your candles and listen to healing vibrations and rest.
Happy Full Mooning,
xo Jessica